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Selectmen Minutes 04/05/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: Evelyn Pike, Jason Weir, Michelle Haftman, Craig McIntosh, Tom Houle, Lucille Noel Donna Chagnon, Ann Davis and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Map 8 Lot 46 – Follow up
Mrs. Pike stated that she had done more research to find out if the property owner was still in fact the owner and found a release of mortgage but in a different mortgage company’s name. Mrs. Pike suspected that the bank name had changed.  It was recorded in the Merrimack County Registry of Deeds. Mrs. Pike felt that Mrs. Titus was the owner but did want to search more to find the name change to Federal Home Mortgage Corporation to be certain.

Mr. Weir stated that if in fact Mrs. Titus was the owner he wants to buy the property and pay the taxes. He has a verbal agreement to purchase.

After some discussion the Board agreed to extend the tax deeding another sixty days to do more research.

Mrs. Pinard stated that Fairpoint had filed an abatement for their poles and conduits.  Nothing has changed, therefor the accessor has recommended to deny the abatement.

Mr. DeBold asked if this was something we should talk to the Town attorney about.

Mrs. Pinard stated that we did not need to speak with Mr. Mayor and that the Town should take the accessors recommendation and deny the abatement.  

Mr. Jordan makes a motion to deny the Fairpoint abatement at the recommendation of the accessors. Mr. Jameson seconds the motion. Motion passes.

Capital Improvement Program-
Mrs. Pinard stated that she had reached out to Mrs. Plunkett and she would like to be appointed to the CIP.  

Mr. DeBold makes a motion to appoint Mrs. Plunkett to the Capital Improvement Program. Mr. Jameson seconds the motion. Motion passes.

Outstanding Items-
Mrs. Pinard stated that she received a letter from Philips Auto. They indicated that Unitil sent a lineman out to readjust the light in question and they also ordered new LED lights that are softer.

Mrs. Pinard stated that she had received a letter of resignation from Mr. McAnney for the Heritage Commission due to health reasons.

Mrs. Pinard stated that Loudon Board of Selectmen had signed the Loudon/Chichester Ambulance Agreement.  The two chiefs had put it together and agree it is ready for signature.  The only change was that Chichester would be covering seven nights a week with Loudon as the backup.  

Mr. DeBold makes a motion to enter into the Loudon/Chichester Ambulance Agreement.  Mr. Jordan seconds the motion. Motion Passes.

Letter to D.O.T.-
Mrs. Pinard stated that she drafted a letter to the D.O.T. regarding the restriping on Rt. 4 as requested by Mr. Jameson and Mr. Jordan.

Mr. Jameson stated that he read the Board of Selectmen minutes in which the D.O.T. indicated that they would come back to talk more with the Town. He asked if they had been back.

Mr. DeBold stated that they were only going to come back if they decided to change the plans and as far as the Town is aware there have been no changes to the original proposal.   

Mr. Jameson stated that this was a conflict of interest for him since he worked for the D.O.T. and would not be able to sign the letter.   

Mr. DeBold stated that he would not feel comfortable signing the letter since he trusts in the engineers at D.O.T. that they know what they are doing.

The Consensus of the Board was no letter would be sent.

Boston Post Cane-
The Boston Post Cane will be presented to the recipient, Doris “Dottie” McKoan on April 10th at 2pm at the Historical Society.

Mr. Jameson stated that he received a call from Dave Colbert who indicated that it was his opinion that there was a salt issue at the Town shed.  Mr. Colbert informed Mr. Jameson that the Highway Department may be loading salt outside the salt shed.  He also felt they may be spillage outside the shed area.

Mr. McIntosh also stated that he had heard of complaints from Brenda Roukey and Melinda Weir about the Road Agent not returning their phone calls. They stated that they had left messages at the shed and also on his cell phone with no return call.  

The Board will bring both of these items to Mr. Plunkett’s attention.

Mr. DeBold stated that he was concerned about the flag not being flown properly at Carpenter Park.  He mentioned that the flag was not being flown at half mast when ordered by the Governor and President and also not being lit at night. He would like it to be maintained properly.

Mr. Jameson who is on Parks and Recreation will be looking into the matter.

Carpenter Park-
Mr. Jameson wanted to share that Chichester has a local Scout who is working on his Eagle Scout. Kyle Mitchell will be doing a project at Carpenter Park.  He will be putting benches along the walking trail and also hopes to build a gazeebo.

Mr. Jameson also stated that the Parks and Recreation Committee will be continuing work on the new building and they were trying to combine electrical panels so they wouldn’t have to separate bills any longer.

Mrs. Pinard suggested that since the cost of electrical and the portable toilets were the same that the Town could pay one bill and the CYA could pay the other to simplify things.   She will be working on an agreement.  

Mr. Jameson also mentioned that the Parks and Recreation Committee is selling bricks for $75 with 5 lines of 12 characters each on them for a fundraiser.

The first book sale of the season will be on April 16th and will have a gardening theme.

Public Input-
Ms. Davis stated that the Garden Club and Agricultural Commission are holding an event on April 20th at the Library.  John Carol, a UNH professor has a new book out called Live and Let Farm-Food and Independence in the Granite State. He will be doing a lecture and signing books. Mr. Carol will also be donating half of the sales that night to the groups.  

Ms. Davis also stated that the Old Home Day Executive Committee had met with a representative from the Fire Association.  They will be having meetings in the future to start with the planning of the event.  

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 8:05pm.  Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed

Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

Richard DeBold                                                   Jeffrey Jordan                                                Tom Jameson